On Monday, June 24th at 4:00pm join an “Afternoon Coffee & Book Discussion” on the non-fiction selection “Welcome to the Circus of Baseball” by Ryan McGee. Joining for the discussion will be special guest Greg Sullivan, President of the Carolina Disco Turkeys! Register for this free event here https://forms.gle/9PhSRLH2natEMmraA. And tell us if you’d like a free copy of the book (*while supplies last!).
About Greg Sullivan and the Carolina Disco Turkeys: Writer and journalist Greg Sullivan is co-owner and President of The Carolina Disco Turkeys, one of the most popular summer collegiate baseball teams in the Southeast. Now in their fourth season in Winston-Salem, the Disco Turkeys are playing all of their weekend and holiday home games at Couch Ballpark at Wake Forest University and midweek home games at Hanes Park's RJ Reynolds field in the West End neighborhood. For more information and tickets, see https://www.discoturkeys.com/
About “Welcome to the Circus.” Non-Fiction. A gloriously funny, nostalgic memoir of a popular ESPN reporter who, in the summer of 1994, was a fresh-out-of-college intern for a minor league baseball team. Madness and charm ensue as Ryan McGee spends the season steeped in sweat, fertilizer, nacho cheese sauce, and pure, unadulterated joy in North Carolina with the Asheville Tourists. He has since risen the ESPN ranks to national TV, radio, and Internet host, but his time in Asheville still looms large.
About NC Reads: North Carolina Humanities presents North Carolina Reads: a statewide book club exploring issues of racial, social, and gender equity and the history and culture of North Carolina. Learn more, download discussion guides, and register to attend the statewide virtual book club events directly at this link: https://nchumanities.org/programs/north-carolina-reads/
This program is supported in part by North Carolina Humanities, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.